Watch Titus grow!

February 11, 2008


img_2433-50.jpgI can’t believe how quickly he’s growing. I’ve got some video this time to prove it!

Sara and I slept in this morning and Titus decided to as well. When he finally got up, I got him a bottle, put him in bed and just gave him the bottle. He’s so funny to watch with the bottle because he just doesn’t really know what to do with it… although he know that he wants the white stuff in his tummy. However, this time he grabbed the bottle and got it in his mouth. Just after that, we put him down and he started crawling… the best he’s done yet. He’s growing so fast! Enjoy the videos!

One Response to “Watch Titus grow!”

  1. Nene Says:

    Oh my – just the cutest kid on the planet!


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