Kenny’s Christmas Wish List

December 4, 2008


I’ve got people in my family that are hard to shop for. I just never know exactly what to get them. I dont’ want to be that person. If you’re out there wondering what to buy me for Christmas (or birthday), I want to make it easy on you. Hey, and I’m not expensive either (well, I can be).

So, I’ve created a wish list. Several years ago I created one on Amazon, but I don’t think anyone’s ever looked at it. It’s right here on the blog, so if you’re feeling the urge to get me a gift (FYI, receiving gifts is my love language), feel free to look at my list. I’ll update it when/if I get these things.

So, feel free to let me know if you have any questions. Oh, and if you’re afraid to get me any of these things becasue it won’t be a surprise or becasue I’m “expecting” it, don’t be afraid. I’ll be totally surprised and excited.

Click her to see the list.


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2 Responses to “Kenny’s Christmas Wish List”

  1. Nene Says:

    Well, I’m going on the prowl for the Nintendo and the Gamecube! Wouldn’t you be happy if I found it? By the way, I have the Hood book, I’ll send it to you soon! I totally forgot about your wish list – I’ll bet I’m about the only person who ever looked at it! Have a happy day and I hope all your ‘wishes’ get filled! Love you all. . .


  2. JD Says:

    Wow, awesome list. I remember playing 007 on the N64 for hours with friends when that game first came out. Some things just don’t get old.


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