100 Posts! Woo Hoo!

March 21, 2008

Random Thoughts

What a milestone. Who thought I’d keep this up, huh?

Interestingly I also wrote my 100th post for my ministry blog today as well (honestly, I didn’t plan that at all). With having the baby during a busy summer schedule and then losing my job, I had some significant breaks in blogging for that blog. However, other than a couple 2-3 week breaks, I’ve posted fairly regularly on this blog. I’m still 2 months away from the one year anniversary of starting this blog (or restarting for that matter… my original blog can still be found here). That means I post more than 2 times a week on the average.

In a few months when I hit 1 year, we’ll celebrate again and I’ll share some of the interesting stats of one year of blogging.


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3 Responses to “100 Posts! Woo Hoo!”

  1. Rob Jones Says:

    I love it when the guy who posts first isn’t.

    Losing your job should have given you more time to post.

    Congrats, I’ve been blogging since before it called blogging. Back when it was actually a Web Log. A lot of people read that just now and got why it’s called a blog. Blog is Web Log minus We.

    Anyway, I know it can be hard to post sometimes.

    100 WooHoo


  2. Kenny Says:

    yeah, I’ve known about web logging, but I guess it didn’t become “hip” until the last 3-5 years… and morphing it into the “Blog.”

    Yeah, being out of work did give me more time to blog, but I had several weeks in and out where I was busy with my parents business or traveling or interviewing. I have a children’s ministry blog as well that I really didn’t even touch for about 3 months. So much of my inspiration for that one comes from the overflow of my work… and since I wasn’t working I was pretty dry. I hit 100 posts on that one as well.




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