My errand partner in crime

May 25, 2009


When I’ve got to go run errands, I like to take this guy with me. He’s good company and it usually means I get the excuse to do something fun along the way.

Today was Memorial Day and we had lots of folks over at the house. That meant I had a lot to do to get ready. I had about two hours of errands to run this morning and Titus was my buddy. We had to run by the church, drop off a movie, go to the mall and pick up some stuff at Wal-Mart. When at the Mall, I enjoy letting Titus walk on his own. The wide hallways are fun for him and there are so many intersting things to see. He does a pretty good job of keeping up with me, so it’s fun to let him walk on his own. I had a dollar in my wallet, so I figured we would take a quick break on the way out to take a care ride. As we were walking toward all the cars, Titus picked up to an all out sprint. Seriously, I’ve never seen him run so fast. Thankfully there wasnt’ another kid in the car as I think he would have taken over. I put 75 cents in the car and off we went to 90 seconds of fun (seeing that Titus was trying to jump out before it was over, I think 30 seconds of fun would have been sufficient as well).

Titus at the Mall from Kenny Conley on Vimeo.


4 Responses to “My errand partner in crime”

  1. Karin Says:

    I loves me some Titus TV! He was trying to leap outta there. Did he like it after he got off?


  2. Mom R Says:

    Thanks for sharing this with us! Looks like you could save yourself 75 cents. Titus would probably be just as happy if it wasn’t moving.


  3. jonathan Says:

    My kids took years to learn that those cars moved…


  4. admin Says:

    This was his second time to ride these cars. He liked it the first time… I just don’t think he understood the value of the 75 cents I put in that car to make it move. We’re working on that.


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