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Don’t believe everything you read on this blog!

November 15, 2007


Sara and I are in such an interesting place right now. We’re trying very hard to make good decisions based on the little information that we have. Last week I wrote that Sara and I would be leaving the week after Thanksgiving. Well, that may not be completely true.

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Four Months

October 12, 2007


Well, Titus has his 4 month check-up yesterday. Here’s what we learned: First of all, our little guy is now 18 pounds and 27 inches long. He’s going to begin eating cereal simply because he’s ready… about two months early. The Dr. said he’s in the 95th percentile in his weitght and int the 95th […]

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Today it feels like fall

October 10, 2007


I think it officially turned fall a few weeks ago, but yesterday and today it actually feels like it. I figure I have another month or so to keep wearing my flip flops (pretty much what I wear everyday), but today I had to actually turn up a little heat to warm up my toes! […]

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Before and After

August 17, 2007


I had this idea the other day. After hearing that Titus was at a grand wieght of 13 pounds, I knew that he is definatley growing. Since we live with him everyday, we don’t always see the change. I knew that I had a good picture of him in his carseat when he was one […]

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Titus videos

June 16, 2007


Hey, I finally got some video of Titus online. My new digital camera also takes some pretty good video. Check it out here.

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Delivery Update 8:23 pm

June 11, 2007


This was an eventful hour or two.  I went downstairs to eat a burger that someone brought and while I was gone, Sara’s water broke. Man, I missed it. Well, the contractions got heavy and painful. So, 45 minutes later we had the epidural. So, now shes happy again and at 8 cm and fully […]

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