Archive | June, 2008

The Long Awaited Day Is Here

June 29, 2008


Hey Friends! This is Sara posing as Kenny. Yep, I so rarely add my own 2 cents over here that I forgot my own password. We had a big change in our marriage recently. Kenny learned to share. Well, that’s not really a fair statement. He’s always shared many things with me. However, he never […]

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happy birthday Titus

June 11, 2008


Today is the day! One year ago today was one of my favorite days of my life. Its funny really. I’m sitting here on a bench at summer camp ( getting ready to leave) and I’ve got tears in my eyes. I’ve always loved birthdays, especially mine. However, this is the first time I’ve ever […]

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Making Movie Memories (and more importantly, meeting Silas)

June 9, 2008


Our good friends Joel and Heidi Hayslip, who are missionaries in Burkina Faso, West Africa, are back in the US for the summer. Their little boy Jakob (who’s getting soooo big) is always a treat to see. In addition though, I finally got to meet the newest addition to the family, Silas Hayslip. He’s Joel […]

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Leaving this dump! (Part 5)

June 8, 2008


I have no picture for this one. And good for you I don’t. Yesterday morning I had to call the front desk. I called to tell them that if they didn’t clean up the feces in the hallway just outside our door within the next two hours, I was going to call the health department. […]

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Leaving this dump! (Part 4)

June 7, 2008


Two nights ago I was walking Francie. It was late, so Titus was asleep. The curtains to our room were drawn. Good thing. As I rounded the corner of the hotel, I saw a group of guys head out of the front door and head to their cars. One who was dressed a little like […]

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Leaving this dump! (Part 3)

June 6, 2008


Maybe I’m just noticing this, but we’ve been living among some strange people. It’s probably a good test of my patience, but I’m wearing down. Sara and I count how often the "wolf lady" takes her dogs out for a walk (at least 12 times a day). Today, Sara noticed that she was joined by […]

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